Accepted Papers

List of Papers Accepted for CVPR 2022 Biometrics Workshop
Paper Title
Towards a Deeper Understanding of Skeleton-based Gait Recognition
ElasticFace: Elastic Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition
Residual Feature Pyramid Network for Enhancement of Vascular Patterns
True Black-Box Explanation in Facial Analysis
Privacy-friendly Synthetic Data for the Development of Face Morphing Attack Detectors
On the Effect of Atmospheric Turbulence in the Feature Space of Deep Face Recognition
MinNet: Minutia Patch Embedding Network for Automated Latent Fingerprint Recognition
* * The reviews for all the papers submitted for the CVPR 2022 Biometrics Workshop can be accessed from CMT on/after April 14, 2022.
** Reviews will be released to all authors in the next 2 days and they will also receive email notification (accepted papers will also receive submission instructions for the final version).